Karjol and Adosh both had speech delays and concentration difficulties. They are now excelling in their new school.
This is Albert. After spending 5 years at Flutterbys for Autism, Albert has gone on to achieve remarkable milestones. At the age of 12, he wrote his first book and excelled at his new school. Now, having graduated his A-levels, Albert is studying psychology at the University of Kenya
Our Occupational Therapist suggested that we talk to Natalie and hear if she could be of assistance, as the Occupational Therapist could see that we were really struggling to find the best alternatives. When we spoke to her for the first time, what was expected to be just a discussion ended up giving us confidence that Natalie knew what she was talking about and the future looked positive.
Natalie took our Son and within a short space of time our Son could read and write and the confidence was back. He never looked back and thanks to Flutterbys and Natalie. While we still have challenges, the base has been set-up and we are happy about our Son’s progress. He’s more confident, he is more assertive and we believe that he has learned to live with some of his challenges. We owe it all to Natalie.
Lizwakele matriculated in 2019 and has graduated with BComm Law.
When I got home I contacted an occupational therapist that he used to consult when still in crèche. She gave me Natalie’s number and recommended that I call her. Indeed I called Natalie who agreed that I can come and see her the same day and I drove to the school.
The school was not the fancy school I had imagined and dreamed that my first born son would one day attend. However Natalie was very warm, understanding and reassuring. From Flutterbys I drove to the other school to go collect my son. On the way I prayed that God must give me the wisdom to explain to him that he was not going back to that school again and that he was going to a new school.
During that period Ilitha was on chronic medication (Ritalin) and the old school insisted that I give it to him as they couldn’t “deal” with him. When I mentioned that to Natalie she told me that she was against medicating kids and dared me to leave the whole matter to her. So the last Ritalin tablet my son has ever taken was in May 2011 and I never looked back because I just hated what it did to him. He was a different child when he was on that drug as a result I used to giver a lower dose than the doctor prescribed.
The first thing I noticed was that Ilitha was no longer the “hectic” little boy that he used to be even though he wasn’t on medication anymore. His confidence was getting stronger and stronger.
I remember the other day he shocked me when he looked at my Sunday newspaper and said “mommy what did Malema do this time” (Malema was forever in the news those days). So I asked him how he knew that they were talking about Malema on the news and he said isn’t this how you spell Malema. For me that was BIG my son can READ!!
Over the years he attended the school he has matured socially, academically and otherwise. He is very much like any other “normal” 10 year old
I have so much confidence in Natalie and her very dedicated team. I always recommend the school to any parent who is going through what I went through then. I believe that they are gifted in laying a foundation that is fundamental in ensuring that each child is understood and developed as an individual. This understanding boosts the kids confidence and makes them believe the sky is the limit.
The time has come for him to spread his wings and explore his new environment. Flutterbys will always be important to Ilitha and I as it was the place he was born…I bow with respect to Natalie’s vision and special gift to care and develop kids with special needs.
Wesley is another one of our stars who has moved into the mainstream. Wesley is also on the Autistic Spectrum.
Suffice it to say, our visit to the school ended with us being thoroughly satisfied, and Kishan started school in February of 2018. The years between 2018 and March 2020 (before the first lockdown) saw Kishan begin his journey from a reticent and guarded young man who often had difficulty with his communication, to one who began to flourish both intellectually and socially. With the class sizes at the school being smaller and with peers who were on their journeys to overcome challenges, Kishan grew at a pace that best suited him. We must commend the teachers and staff for the skill and patience they all exhibited with the learners in guiding them on their journeys.
Additionally, the school was always proactive with communication and frequently held sessions on a variety of subjects to further educate and engage with us parents. This was a welcome initiative, as it assisted us in understanding the curriculum and made us more involved with the teaching and nurturing our children were receiving.
The final period of his attendance was between the years of COVID from 2020 to 2021. The school supported all learners ceaselessly with individual lessons via Zoom and homework to revise and practice. This period was a concerning, yet unavoidable, break from the norm; nonetheless, Kishan continued to excel. The school conducted an assessment in 2021 and after discussing the results with Natalie, we were all satisfied that Kishan’s progress had reached a stage where joining a more mainstream school was the next best step.
Kishan has now progressed to being a confident, intelligent and charismatic young man, who loves the world he lives in and the people who are part of it. He faces any challenge with a “can do” attitude and is always intrinsically motivated not just to succeed but to excel at all he does. It is our firm belief as his parents that his years at Flutterbys have been pivotal in his development, contributed to a firm foundation and will continue to stand him in good stead on his journey through life.
Kevin Pillay
School Creed: SUCCESS
To laugh often and much.
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children.
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends.
To appreciate beauty.
To find the best in others.
To leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition.
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
“Ralph Waldo Emerson”